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School Workshops

 We deliver informative and entertaining workshops for up to 30 pupils, inspiring young people to improve their mental health through creative outlets

The events of the last two years have pushed mental health even further into the spotlight. It is more important than ever before for young people (and teachers!) to have strategies up their sleeves to improve mental wellbeing.

Through live performance, open discussion and pupil participation, Retune’s wellbeing workshops demonstrate the importance of using creative outlets such as music, art, drama, dance and writing to maintain wellbeing and build emotional resilience. Retune teaches young people how to unlock their imaginations, inspiring them to pursue their passions and achieve mental harmony in the process. Sometimes we all feel out of tune, and small adjustments can take us back to where we need to be.

What The Pupils Said They Learned:​

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“You can draw your feelings”

“Not all emotions are shown on the outside”
“Music is powerful and can bring joy to the world”
“Songs don’t have to be perfect. You can sing your heart out”
“We all have a brain, so we all have mental health”
“Music and singing is so much fun. Funnily enough I want to write a song… now!”
“Creativity is something you can get lost in”
“Doing something you like can calm you down”
“There is always someone there for you and you can talk to anyone”
“I learned that we must look after our mental health
and we can express it in many ways”
“It’s not what you’re good at that counts. It’s what you have fun with”
“I learnt that you don’t have to be famous to succeed”

What The Teachers Are Saying:

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“Brilliant workshop. Important that children and young
people deal with adversity and feeling overwhelmed”

“The children were engaged and the session provided
an insight into how we all need an outlet”

“Our children were engaged from start to finish. I am positive they took everything on board”

“The singing really lifted my spirits! It was nice to see the children all smiling and joining in”

“Good interaction with pupils, keeping their attention. A great, fun session”

“Fitted in so well with the PSHE Healthy Lifestyle topic. Really age related”

“Important for children to realise there are other outlets for their feelings”

“Really good to get children talking about mental health – thank you!”

“The children loved the opportunity to sing and make their song”

“We would love you to come back and work with us again”

“I loved the feeling that all children could create a song”

“Great to see wellbeing promoted through arts”


Core Workshop

- Our classic one-hour mental wellbeing workshop for a class of up to 30 pupils. Best suited to Key Stage Two.
- Singing as a group.
- What is mental health?
- What is creativity? What does it mean to have creative outlets for mental health?
- How and why would we retune ourselves?
- Introduction to the concepts of SCALES.
- Pupils equipped with self-care and resilience strategies.
- Drawing the SCALES guitar and applying the principles to each pupil.
- Write a song together in five minutes.
- Reflection on what has been learned through feedback cards.
- Each pupil receives a complimentary SCALES card to use in the future.

From £300


Encore Workshop

In addition to Core Workshop:
- Develops the themes and messages of Core by taking a deep dive into each wellbeing 'string'.
- Sleep and why it is important to mental wellbeing.
- The importance of creativity. Story making and beat boxing.
- Why staying active is vital. Stretching and dance.
- More detail on the Listen string. Paying and receiving a compliment.
- In depth coverage of the Earth string. Breathing and mindfulness.
- Exploring the Social string. Eye contact, active listening, body language.
- Each string has its own song that pupils can join in with.
- Ideally suited to pupils in Year 5; can be delivered to any Key Stage Two class.
- Access to follow-up resources.
- School recognised as being ‘In Tune’ with official certification.


From £500

(Prices based on One Form Entry)

Would you like to book a workshop?
Please email to enquire


Feedback From The Schools We Have Visited…

(At least 3,251 pupils and 238 members of staff have attended our workshops)


of teachers rated the presentation as Good or Excellent


of teachers rated the speaker as Good or Excellent


of teachers would recommend Retune to another school


5,379 out of 5,723 pupils rated the workshop as Good or Excellent


5,608 out of 5,732 pupils would like Retune to visit their school again

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Would you like to book a workshop?
Please email to enquire

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© 2024 Retune. All Rights Reserved.

Retune is a registered charity (no. 1202808).

Retune Charity Limited is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (no. 12744315).

Our address: 3 Chantry Court, Hadham Road, Bishop's Stortford, England, CM23 2QR


Website designed by The Alondra Group

Photography by Steve Beeston

Filmography by Connor Wells

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